Centralise, simplify and improve the timetabling process
CELCAT Timetabler
CELCAT Timetabler is a dynamic software solution that aims to centralise, simplify and improve the timetabling process. This software makes the process of generating timetables quicker and easier, which results in savings on resources, time and effort. CELCAT Timetabler was developed to optimise resource utilisation, reduce time spent on scheduling and data capturing as well as produce clash-free exam and course timetables
This software solution makes timetabling a convenient and practical process to manage, for both administrators and students. CELCAT Timetabler assists in identifying conflicts in timetable schedules and reducing administrative errors, which often occur through human error.
Other benefits of using this software system include:
Adaptable and customisable software
The software reduces the time and effort involved in generating an exam or lecture timetable. The reduction in administration errors means that staff will spend less time rectifying clashes and having to manual make changes thereby saving on time and effort while enhancing the student experience.
The features of the CELCAT Timetabler includes:
Interactive Timetabling
This solution includes a fully functional Windows client and feature-rich web interface. Users can create timetables efficiently, based on their preferences, using interactive features such as drag and drop, wizards and advisers
Automated Timetabling
Enables fully automated scheduling of lecture timetables. This automation function can also be used in conjunction with computer-assisted timetabling. It allows the user to express the rules needed to construct a workable timetable, maximising resource utilisation while balancing the constraints, preferences and goals associated with those resources.
Ad hoc Room Requesting
The room booking solution provides staff and students with an easy-to-use, wizard-style application for requesting and booking rooms while permitting administrators control of the process and available space.
Attendance Monitoring
The attendance monitoring solution allows you to track and record student attendance by automatically generating attendance registers based on timetabled events.
Self-Service Portal
Enhances the student experience and engagement by allowing them freedom of booking rooms, signing up to open events and allocating themselves to module activities.
Staff and students can view their personalised timetables in an easy-to-use and secure format.
The reporting solution provides a variety of ways to collect, collate, validate and report on timetable and attendance data.
Pay Claim
The pay claim solution is a web-based portal, accessible on any device. Staff can create and submit pay claims quickly based on timetabled events and marked registers.
The integration solution allows institutions to incorporate the CELCAT Timetabler software suite into their Management Information System, Student Record System and Human Resource System.
CELCAT ITS Integrator Interface
An interface that simplifies the data transfer process between the ITS Integrator and CELCAT Software

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