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What Are the Advantages of Blended Learning?

By August 10, 2022October 13th, 2023No Comments

Blended learning is becoming a common learning methodology used globally in classrooms at higher education institutions. This new approach to education has many advantages for students and learning institutions. We explore these benefits and advantages and why this is fast becoming the chosen methodology for learning in more detail below.

What Is Blended Learning in Education?

Blended learning is an educational approach that blends online or digital components with traditional face-to-face instruction. Since technology is used in our daily lives, the use of technology in education is believed to help students excel professionally after school. In a blended learning setting, students master what they are learning but also master using technology. Although technology plays an important role, in-person instruction which is often used in traditional teaching, is still critical to the success of blended learning. Lecturer-led education specifically aids in developing listening, visual and kinaesthetic skills essential for learning success.

As with many different learning approaches, there are five different types of blended learning models or blended learning examples that an institution can choose to implement, depending on the unique learning outcomes that need to be achieved. These include

  1. Flipped Model – with this blended learning model, the learning framework switches focus to more of an online learning approach. Students can learn at their own pace by going through the course work and prescribed content in their own time. Then the in-class time is focused on active learning and applying the new skills in the form of discussions, case students or group projects. The learners prepare for their classes by going through the theory online and then putting it into practice in the classroom.
  2. Face-to-Face Driver Model – follows a more traditional classroom flow as the instruction takes place in the classroom. Technology is just used as a support for students in this model.
  3. Rotational Model – within this blended learning approach, learners follow a fixed schedule that rotates between online learning and face-to-face interaction. Learners can practice what they have learnt during their online learning and fill in any learning gaps within the classroom.
  4. Flex Model – this is about creating flexible and personalised learning experiences for students that focus on their specific needs. Online learning takes the lead in this model, while students come together with teachers in smaller groups to discuss what they have learnt.
  5. Enriched Virtual Model – this model is similar to the flex model with online learning as the focus. This is coupled with either in-class or virtual classes. This is the perfect model for remote learning experienced through online learning platforms.
Blended Learning

Why Use Blended Learning?

Many have asked why Blended learning techniques are necessary within a classroom or institution. The truth is that with a blended learning approach, you can create an integrated learning experience that caters to different students’ needs. This learning form also helps keep students engaged and stimulated while enhancing teaching and understanding. In this way, students who are fast learners can study and learn at the rate they are comfortable with, while those who struggle and need a bit more time can go at their own pace. This approach also provides more support to students. This is entirely different to traditional teaching methods, where all students are expected to learn at the same rate and way. Other advantages of a blended learning approach include:

  • Blended learning frameworks are often less expensive to operate, more affordable and save time.
  • These learning models offer enhanced flexibility for students to learn from anywhere and at any time while still providing face-to-face interaction
  • Blended learning models enable you to create personalised learning experiences for students depending on their unique needs, enhancing learning, reducing stress, and improving student retention.
  • Students are often more engaged with these blended learning processes as they offer more interaction and discussion-based sessions.
  • Blended learning is often modular and scalable, allowing institutions to manage course work depending on enrolment numbers effectively
Blended Learning

How To Use Blended Learning In The Classroom

From the above, it is clear that blended learning has many different benefits and advantages for other educational institutions. Still, many institutions do not know where to start implementing these approaches and what example of blended learning in a classroom to research and implement.

Defining your institution’s learning goals and identifying the blended learning model that works best to meet these goals is essential. Then you need to invest in the right technology, such as a Learning Management System (LMS). This LMS blended learning software solution will help you facilitate e-learning and various blended learning types. One such LMS is Moodle. Moodle provides a single robust, secure and integrated system that will empower your higher education institution with the flexibility and agility needed to adapt to and cater for your institution’s unique blended learning needs.

Moodle enables you to use technology meaningfully to provide your students with personalised and inclusive learning experiences. This software has many different functionalities to support any learning pedagogy and is customisable and scalable. It fosters engagement and collaboration through functional, easy-to-use course design and management tools. So educators can create engaging and exciting coursework that students will enjoy. Moodle LMS provides embedded external resources, multi-media integration, group management, inline marking, and peer and self-assessment. They are making this the perfect solution for creating a collaborative and engaging learning experience.


From the above, it is clear that blended learning has several advantages and benefits,especially in higher education settings. This kind of learning makes it possible for students to learn at their own pace while providing different learning experiences both online and in the classroom. The key to effectively managing blended learning has the right LMS technology, such as Moodle. Moodle LMS is the perfect solution to ensuring you can meet all the goals and objectives associated with blended learning.

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Pravie Govender

Author Pravie Govender

Experienced Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the Tertiary Education Sector. Skilled in university business process analysis, business and systems project implementation, operational improvements and team leadership.

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